Programmable Media

Flutter image and video upload

Last updated: Feb-19-2025

When using the Flutter SDK, you can use one of several options to upload files directly to Cloudinary without the need for server-side operations or authentication signatures.

If you want to use server-side operations, you can upload files to Cloudinary using the Dart implementation within your Flutter app.

Upload options

Upload endpoint

The upload endpoint is<CLOUD_NAME>/upload. To use the endpoint in your application, write a function that calls the Cloudinary upload endpoint and pass:

For example:

Upload endpoint video tutorial

Watch this video tutorial to see how to upload images from your Flutter app to Cloudinary using the Upload API:

Upload widget

The Upload widget is a ready-made, responsive user interface that enables your users to upload files from a variety of sources directly to Cloudinary. You can customize and embed this UI in a WebView Flutter widget with just a few lines of code.

Check out the following Upload Widget code explorer that you can fork to try out some sample configuration changes:

Due to CORS issues with StackBlitz, you may have errors opening the widget with the preview. Try opening the preview in a new tab to resolve this or use the GitHub link below to run locally.

This code is also available in GitHub.

Code examples

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