AdminApiClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Admin
Enables Cloudinary Admin API functionality.
AnalysisTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Admin
Represents Analysis API methods.
$AnalysisTrait#apiV2ClientProperty in class AnalysisTrait
Defined in AdminApi class.
AnalysisTrait::analyze() — Method in class AnalysisTrait
Analyzes an asset with the requested analysis type.
AnalysisTrait::analyzeAsync() — Method in class AnalysisTrait
Analyzes an asset with the requested analysis type asynchronously.
AssetsTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Admin
Enables you to manage the assets in your cloud.
$AssetsTrait#apiClientProperty in class AssetsTrait
Defined in AdminApi class.
AssetsTrait::assetTypes() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Lists available asset types.
AssetsTrait::assets() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Lists all uploaded assets filtered by any specified options.
AssetsTrait::assetsByTag() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Lists assets with the specified tag.
AssetsTrait::assetsByContext() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Lists assets with the specified contextual metadata.
AssetsTrait::assetsByModeration() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Lists assets currently in the specified moderation queue and status.
AssetsTrait::assetsByIds() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Lists assets with the specified public IDs.
AssetsTrait::assetsByAssetIds() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Lists assets with the specified asset IDs.
AssetsTrait::assetsByAssetFolder() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Lists assets in the specified asset folder.
AssetsTrait::asset() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Returns the details of the specified asset and all its derived assets.
AssetsTrait::assetByAssetId() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Returns the details of the specified asset and all its derived assets by asset id.
AssetsTrait::addRelatedAssets() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Relates an asset to other assets by public IDs.
AssetsTrait::addRelatedAssetsByAssetIds() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Relates an asset to other assets by asset IDs.
$FoldersTrait#apiClientProperty in class FoldersTrait
Defined in AdminApi class.
$MiscTrait#apiClientProperty in class MiscTrait
Defined in AdminApi class.
$StreamingProfilesTrait#apiClientProperty in class StreamingProfilesTrait
Defined in AdminApi class
$TransformationsTrait#apiClientProperty in class TransformationsTrait
Defined in AdminApi class.
$UploadMappingsTrait#apiClientProperty in class UploadMappingsTrait
Defined in AdminApi class
$UploadPresetsTrait#apiClientProperty in class UploadPresetsTrait
Defined in AdminApi class
ApiResponseClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api
Defines the response returned by the API.
ApiUtilsClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api
Class ApiUtils
AlreadyExistsClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Exception
AlreadyExists error.
ApiErrorClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Exception
General API error class.
AuthorizationRequiredClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Exception
AuthorizationRequired error.
AndValidatorClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata\Validators
An 'And' rule validation used to combine other rules with an 'AND' logic relation between them.
AccountApiClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Provisioning
Class AccountApi
AccountApi::addUserToGroup() — Method in class AccountApi
Adds an existing user to a group.
AccountApi::accessKeys() — Method in class AccountApi
Gets sub account access keys.
ArchiveTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Upload
Trait ArchiveTrait
$ArchiveTrait#apiClientProperty in class ArchiveTrait
Defined in UploadApi class
$ContextTrait#apiClientProperty in class ContextTrait
Defined in UploadApi class.
ContextTrait::addContextAsync() — Method in class ContextTrait
Adds context metadata as key-value pairs to the the specified assets.
ContextTrait::addContext() — Method in class ContextTrait
Adds context metadata as key-value pairs to the the specified assets.
$CreativeTrait#apiClientProperty in class CreativeTrait
Defined in UploadApi class
$EditTrait#apiClientProperty in class EditTrait
Defined in UploadApi class
$TagTrait#apiClientProperty in class TagTrait
Defined in UploadApi class.
TagTrait::addTagAsync() — Method in class TagTrait
Adds a tag to the assets specified.
TagTrait::addTag() — Method in class TagTrait
Adds a tag to the assets specified.
$UploadTrait#apiClientProperty in class UploadTrait
Defined in UploadApi class
AccessControlRuleClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset\AccessControl
Class AccessControlRule
AccessTypeClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset\AccessControl
Class AccessType
AssetDescriptorClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class AssetDescriptor
$AssetDescriptor#assetTypeProperty in class AssetDescriptor
AssetTransformationClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class AssetTransformation
AssetTransformation::addTransformation() — Method in class AssetTransformation
Adds (appends) a transformation.
AssetTransformation::addAction() — Method in class AssetTransformation
Adds (chains) a transformation action.
AssetTypeClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class AssetType
AuthTokenClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class AuthToken
$BaseAsset#assetProperty in class BaseAsset
$BaseAsset#authTokenProperty in class BaseAsset
BaseMediaAsset::addTransformation() — Method in class BaseMediaAsset
Adds (appends) a transformation.
BaseMediaAsset::addAction() — Method in class BaseMediaAsset
Adds (chains) a transformation action.
Cloudinary::adminApi() — Method in class Cloudinary
Creates a new AdminApi instance using the current configuration instance.
ApiConfigClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Defines the global configuration when making requests to the Cloudinary API.
$ApiConfig#apiProxyProperty in class ApiConfig
Optional. Specifies a proxy through which to make calls to the Cloudinary API. Format: http://hostname:port.
$ApiConfig#apiVersionProperty in class ApiConfig
Used for changing default API version.
AssetConfigTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Trait AssetConfigTrait
AuthTokenConfigClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Defines the configuration for delivering token-based authenticated media assets.
$AuthTokenConfig#aclProperty in class AuthTokenConfig
(Optional) – an Access Control List for limiting the allowed URL path to a specified pattern (e.g., /video/authenticated/*).
$CloudConfig#apiKeyProperty in class CloudConfig
Mandatory for server-side operations. Used together with the API secret to communicate with the Cloudinary API and sign requests.
$CloudConfig#apiSecretProperty in class CloudConfig
Mandatory for server-side operations. Used together with the API key to communicate with the Cloudinary API and sign requests.
$Configuration#apiProperty in class Configuration
The configuration of the API.
$Configuration#authTokenProperty in class Configuration
The authentication token.
$ProvisioningAccountConfig#accountIdProperty in class ProvisioningAccountConfig
The account id of your Cloudinary account. Mandatory for provisioning API operations.
$ProvisioningConfiguration#apiProperty in class ProvisioningConfiguration
$ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig#autoOptimalBreakpointsProperty in class ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig
Defines whether to use auto optimal breakpoints.
UrlConfigTrait::analytics() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Set to false to omit analytics.
$BaseConfigurableApiTag#apiConfigProperty in class BaseConfigurableApiTag
$BaseImageTag#additionalTransformationProperty in class BaseImageTag
BaseImageTag::addTransformation() — Method in class BaseImageTag
Adds (appends) a transformation.
BaseImageTag::addAction() — Method in class BaseImageTag
Adds (chains) a transformation action.
BaseImageTag::autoOptimalBreakpoints() — Method in class BaseImageTag
Defines whether to use auto optimal breakpoints.
BaseTag::addClass() — Method in class BaseTag
Adds a tag class.
BaseTag::addContent() — Method in class BaseTag
Adds tag content.
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::animoto() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for the thumbnail of the animoto video.
$SpriteTag#additionalTransformationProperty in class SpriteTag
$VideoSourceTag#additionalTransformationProperty in class VideoSourceTag
VideoTag::addTransformation() — Method in class VideoTag
Adds (appends) a transformation.
VideoTag::addAction() — Method in class VideoTag
Adds (chains) a transformation action.


BadRequestClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Exception
BadRequest error.
UploadTrait::buildUploadParams() — Method in class UploadTrait
Consolidates the upload parameters.
BaseAssetClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class BaseAsset
BaseMediaAssetClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class BaseMediaAsset
$ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig#breakpointsProperty in class ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig
An array of static breakpoints to use (overrides Cloudinary-optimized breakpoints).
BaseConfigurableApiTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Class BaseConfigurableApiTag
BaseImageTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Class BaseImageTag
BaseImageTag::breakpoints() — Method in class BaseImageTag
Explicitly sets the breakpoints.
BaseTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Class BaseTag


FoldersTrait::createFolder() — Method in class FoldersTrait
Creates a new empty folder.
MiscTrait::config() — Method in class MiscTrait
Gets account config details.
StreamingProfilesTrait::createStreamingProfile() — Method in class StreamingProfilesTrait
Creates a new, custom streaming profile.
TransformationsTrait::createTransformation() — Method in class TransformationsTrait
Creates a named transformation.
UploadMappingsTrait::createUploadMapping() — Method in class UploadMappingsTrait
Creates a new upload mapping.
UploadPresetsTrait::createUploadPreset() — Method in class UploadPresetsTrait
Creates a new upload preset.
ComparisonRuleClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata\Validators
Base class for all comparison (greater than/less than) validation rules.
AccountApi::createUser() — Method in class AccountApi
Creates a new user.
AccountApi::createSubAccount() — Method in class AccountApi
Creates a new sub account.
AccountApi::createUserGroup() — Method in class AccountApi
Creates a new user group.
ArchiveTrait::createArchiveAsync() — Method in class ArchiveTrait
Creates a new archive in the server and returns information in JSON format.
ArchiveTrait::createArchive() — Method in class ArchiveTrait
Creates a new archive in the server and returns information in JSON format.
ArchiveTrait::createZipAsync() — Method in class ArchiveTrait
Creates a new zip archive in the server and returns information in JSON format.
ArchiveTrait::createZip() — Method in class ArchiveTrait
Creates a new zip archive in the server and returns information in JSON format.
ContextTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Upload
Trait ContextTrait
CreativeTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Upload
Trait CreativeTrait
CreativeTrait::createSlideshowAsync() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Create auto-generated video slideshows.
CreativeTrait::createSlideshow() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Create auto-generated video slideshows.
$AuthToken#configProperty in class AuthToken
AuthToken::configuration() — Method in class AuthToken
Sets the configuration.
$BaseAsset#cloudProperty in class BaseAsset
BaseAsset::configuration() — Method in class BaseAsset
Sets the asset configuration.
CloudinaryClass in namespace Cloudinary
Defines the Cloudinary instance.
$Cloudinary#configurationProperty in class Cloudinary
Defines the Cloudinary cloud details and other global configuration options.
$ApiConfig#connectionTimeoutProperty in class ApiConfig
Describing the number of seconds to wait while trying to connect to a server.
$ApiConfig#callbackUrlProperty in class ApiConfig
A public URL of your web application that has the cloudinary_cors.html file.
$ApiConfig#chunkSizeProperty in class ApiConfig
Size of single chunk when uploading large files.
CloudConfigClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Defines the cloud configuration required to connect your application to Cloudinary.
$CloudConfig#cloudNameProperty in class CloudConfig
Mandatory. The name of your Cloudinary cloud. Used to build the public URL for all your media assets.
ConfigurationClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Defines the available global configurations.
$Configuration#cloudProperty in class Configuration
The configuration of the cloud.
$TagConfig#clientHintsProperty in class TagConfig
Whether to use client hints.
$TagConfig#contentDelimiterProperty in class TagConfig
The delimiter between content items.
$UrlConfig#cdnSubdomainProperty in class UrlConfig
Whether to automatically build URLs with multiple CDN sub-domains.
$UrlConfig#cnameProperty in class UrlConfig
The custom domain name to use for building HTTP URLs. Relevant only for Advanced plan users that have a private CDN distribution and a custom CNAME
UrlConfigTrait::cdnSubdomain() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Whether to automatically build URLs with multiple CDN sub-domains.
UrlConfigTrait::cname() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
The custom domain name to use for building HTTP URLs.
ConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Cloudinary\Exception
Class ConfigurationException
BaseConfigurableApiTag::configuration() — Method in class BaseConfigurableApiTag
Sets the configuration.
$BaseTag#configProperty in class BaseTag
BaseTag::configuration() — Method in class BaseTag
Sets the configuration.
ClientHintsMetaTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <meta> tag to indicate support for Client Hints:


AssetsTrait::deleteAssets() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Deletes the specified assets.
AssetsTrait::deleteAssetsByPrefix() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Deletes assets by prefix.
AssetsTrait::deleteAllAssets() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Deletes all assets of the specified asset and delivery type, including their derived assets.
AssetsTrait::deleteAssetsByTag() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Deletes assets with the specified tag, including their derived assets.
AssetsTrait::deleteDerivedAssets() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Deletes the specified derived assets by derived asset ID.
AssetsTrait::deleteDerivedByTransformation() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Deletes derived assets identified by transformation and public_ids.
AssetsTrait::deleteRelatedAssets() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Unrelates an asset from other assets by public IDs.
AssetsTrait::deleteRelatedAssetsByAssetIds() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Unrelates an asset from other assets by asset IDs.
FoldersTrait::deleteFolder() — Method in class FoldersTrait
Deletes an empty folder.
StreamingProfilesTrait::deleteStreamingProfile() — Method in class StreamingProfilesTrait
Deletes or reverts the specified streaming profile.
TransformationsTrait::deleteTransformation() — Method in class TransformationsTrait
Deletes the specified stored transformation.
UploadMappingsTrait::deleteUploadMapping() — Method in class UploadMappingsTrait
Deletes an upload mapping.
UploadPresetsTrait::deleteUploadPreset() — Method in class UploadPresetsTrait
Deletes the specified upload preset.
DateMetadataFieldClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Represents a structured metadata field with 'Date' type.
DateGreaterThanClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata\Validators
Greater-than rule for dates.
DateLessThanClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata\Validators
Less-than rule for dates.
AccountApi::deleteUser() — Method in class AccountApi
Deletes a user.
AccountApi::deleteSubAccount() — Method in class AccountApi
Deletes a sub account.
AccountApi::deleteUserGroup() — Method in class AccountApi
Deletes a user group.
ArchiveTrait::downloadArchiveUrl() — Method in class ArchiveTrait
Returns a URL that when invoked creates an archive and returns it.
ArchiveTrait::downloadZipUrl() — Method in class ArchiveTrait
Returns a URL that when invokes creates a zip archive and returns it.
ArchiveTrait::downloadFolder() — Method in class ArchiveTrait
Creates and returns a URL that when invoked creates an archive of a folder.
ArchiveTrait::downloadBackedupAsset() — Method in class ArchiveTrait
The returned url allows downloading the backedup asset based on the the asset ID and the version ID.
CreativeTrait::downloadGeneratedSprite() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Generates an url to create a sprite from all images that have been assigned a specified tag or from a provided array of URLs.
CreativeTrait::downloadMulti() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Generates an url to create a single animated image, video or PDF from all image assets that have been assigned a specified tag or from a provided array of URLs.
EditTrait::destroyAsync() — Method in class EditTrait
Immediately and permanently deletes a single asset from your Cloudinary cloud.
EditTrait::destroy() — Method in class EditTrait
Immediately and permanently deletes a single asset from your Cloudinary cloud.
$AssetDescriptor#deliveryTypeProperty in class AssetDescriptor
DeliveryTypeClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class DeliveryType
$AuthTokenConfig#durationProperty in class AuthTokenConfig
(Optional) – the duration that the URL is valid in seconds (counted from start_time).
BaseTag::deleteAttribute() — Method in class BaseTag
Deletes tag attribute.
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::dailyMotion() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for the thumbnail of the DailyMotion video.
VideoTag::defaultVideoSources() — Method in class VideoTag
The default video sources of the video tag.


EnumMetadataFieldClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Represents a structured metadata field with 'Enum' (single-selection list) type.
SearchApi::endpoint() — Method in class SearchApi
Sets the Search API endpoint.
SearchApi::executeAsync() — Method in class SearchApi
Executes the search API request asynchronously.
SearchApi::execute() — Method in class SearchApi
Executes the search API request.
CreativeTrait::explodeAsync() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Creates derived images for all of the individual pages in a multi-page file (PDF or animated GIF).
CreativeTrait::explode() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Creates derived images for all of the individual pages in a multi-page file (PDF or animated GIF).
EditTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Upload
Trait EditTrait
EditTrait::explicitAsync() — Method in class EditTrait
Applies actions to an already uploaded asset.
EditTrait::explicit() — Method in class EditTrait
Applies actions to already uploaded assets.
$AssetDescriptor#extensionProperty in class AssetDescriptor
AssetTransformation::extension() — Method in class AssetTransformation
Sets the file extension.
$AuthTokenConfig#expirationProperty in class AuthTokenConfig
(Optional) – timestamp of the UNIX time when the URL expires.
$LoggingConfig#errorLogProperty in class LoggingConfig
Settings for logging messages to PHP error_log() handler.
$LoggingConfig#enabledProperty in class LoggingConfig
Settings for globally disabling all logging.
ErrorClass in namespace Cloudinary\Exception
Class Error


FoldersTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Admin
Enables you to manage the folders in your cloud.
$AssetDescriptor#filenameProperty in class AssetDescriptor
AssetDescriptor::fromString() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Creates a new asset from the provided string (URL).
AssetDescriptor::fromJson() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Creates a new asset from the provided JSON.
AssetDescriptor::fromParams() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Creates a new asset from the provided source and an array of (legacy) parameters.
AssetTransformation::fromString() — Method in class AssetTransformation
Creates a new asset from the provided string (URL).
AssetTransformation::fromJson() — Method in class AssetTransformation
Creates a new asset from the provided JSON.
AssetTransformation::fromParams() — Method in class AssetTransformation
Creates a new asset transformation from the provided array of parameters.
AuthToken::fromJson() — Method in class AuthToken
AuthToken named constructor.
BaseAsset::fromString() — Method in class BaseAsset
Creates a new asset from the provided string (URL).
BaseAsset::fromJson() — Method in class BaseAsset
Creates a new asset from the provided JSON.
BaseAsset::fromParams() — Method in class BaseAsset
Creates a new asset from the provided source and an array of parameters.
BaseMediaAsset::fromParams() — Method in class BaseMediaAsset
Creates a new media asset from the provided public and array of parameters.
FileClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class File
Configuration::fromJson() — Method in class Configuration
Creates Configuration using json string or array as a source.
Configuration::fromParams() — Method in class Configuration
Creates Configuration using an array of parameters as a source.
Configuration::fromCloudinaryUrl() — Method in class Configuration
Creates Configuration using Cloudinary url as a source.
$LoggingConfig#fileProperty in class LoggingConfig
Settings for logging messages to a file.
$UrlConfig#forceVersionProperty in class UrlConfig
By default set to self::DEFAULT_FORCE_VERSION.
UrlConfigTrait::forceVersion() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Set to false to omit default version string for assets in folders in the delivery URL.
BaseImageTag::fromParams() — Method in class BaseImageTag
Creates a new base image tag from the provided source and an array of parameters.
FormTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <form> tag, for example:
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::fetch() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for fetch image tag (from URL).
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::facebook() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for facebook profile picture tag.
SpriteTag::fromParams() — Method in class SpriteTag
Creates a new sprite tag from the provided public id and array of parameters.
UploadTag::fromParams() — Method in class UploadTag
Creates a new UploadTag the provided source and an array of parameters.
VideoTag::fromParams() — Method in class VideoTag
Creates a new video tag from the provided source and an array of parameters.
VideoTag::fallback() — Method in class VideoTag
Sets the fallback content.
VideoTagDeliveryTypeTrait::fetch() — Method in class VideoTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Creates the video tag of the fetched (remote) video URL.
VideoThumbnailTag::fromParams() — Method in class VideoThumbnailTag
Creates a video poster image tag for a video from the provided source and an array of parameters.


StreamingProfilesTrait::getStreamingProfile() — Method in class StreamingProfilesTrait
Gets details of a single streaming profile by name.
GeneralErrorClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Exception
General error.
DateMetadataField::getDefaultValue() — Method in class DateMetadataField
Gets the default date of this field.
MetadataDataEntry::getPropertyKeys() — Method in class MetadataDataEntry
Gets the keys for all the properties of this object.
MetadataDataEntry::getValue() — Method in class MetadataDataEntry
Gets the value of the entry.
MetadataDataEntry::getExternalId() — Method in class MetadataDataEntry
Gets the ID of the entry.
MetadataDataSource::getPropertyKeys() — Method in class MetadataDataSource
Gets the keys for all the properties of this object.
MetadataDataSource::getValues() — Method in class MetadataDataSource
Gets entities of this data source.
MetadataField::getPropertyKeys() — Method in class MetadataField
Gets the keys for all the properties of this object.
MetadataField::getType() — Method in class MetadataField
Returns the type of this field.
MetadataField::getDefaultValue() — Method in class MetadataField
Gets the default value of this field.
MetadataField::getExternalId() — Method in class MetadataField
Gets the ID of this field.
MetadataField::getLabel() — Method in class MetadataField
Gets the label of this field.
MetadataField::getMandatory() — Method in class MetadataField
Gets a boolean indicating whether this fields is currently mandatory.
MetadataField::getValidation() — Method in class MetadataField
Gets the validation rules of this field.
MetadataField::getRestrictions() — Method in class MetadataField
Gets the restrictions of this field.
MetadataFieldList::getPropertyKeys() — Method in class MetadataFieldList
Gets the keys for all the properties of this object.
MetadataFieldList::getDataSource() — Method in class MetadataFieldList
Gets the data source of this field.
AndValidator::getPropertyKeys() — Method in class AndValidator
Gets the keys for all the properties of this object.
MetadataValidation::getPropertyKeys() — Method in class MetadataValidation
Gets the keys for all the properties of this object.
AccountApi::generateAccessKey() — Method in class AccountApi
Generates a new access key.
CreativeTrait::generateSpriteAsync() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Creates a sprite from all images that have been assigned a specified tag or from a provided array of image URLs.
CreativeTrait::generateSprite() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Creates a sprite from all images that have been assigned a specified tag or from a provided array of image URLs.
UploadApi::getUploadUrl() — Method in class UploadApi
Gets upload URL for the specified asset type and endpoint.
AuthToken::generate() — Method in class AuthToken
Generates an authorization token.
BaseAsset::getPublicId() — Method in class BaseAsset
Returns the public ID of the asset.
BaseMediaAsset::getTransformation() — Method in class BaseMediaAsset
Gets the asset transformation.
Image::getTransformation() — Method in class Image
Gets the transformation.
Media::getTransformation() — Method in class Media
Gets the transformation.
Video::getTransformation() — Method in class Video
Gets the transformation.
Logger::getHandlers() — Method in class Logger
Logger::getTestHandler() — Method in class Logger
Gets TestHandler
Logger::getDefaultLogLevel() — Method in class Logger
Gets a PSR-3 log level based on the error level set in PHP
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::gravatar() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for gravatar profile picture tag.


$ApiResponse#headersProperty in class ApiResponse
Response headers.
$TagConfig#hidpiProperty in class TagConfig
Whether to use hi dpi.
BaseImageTag::handleResponsive() — Method in class BaseImageTag
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::hulu() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for the thumbnail of the YouTube video.


IntMetadataFieldClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Represents a structured metadata field with 'Int' type.
MetadataField::isDefaultDisabled() — Method in class MetadataField
Gets the value indicating whether the field should be disabled by default.
IntGreaterThanClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata\Validators
Greater-than rule for integers.
IntLessThanClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata\Validators
Less-than rule for integers.
AssetDescriptor::importString() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Imports data from the provided string (URL).
AssetDescriptor::importJson() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Imports data from the provided JSON.
AssetTransformation::importString() — Method in class AssetTransformation
Imports data from the provided string (URL).
AssetTransformation::importJson() — Method in class AssetTransformation
Imports data from the provided JSON.
AuthToken::isEnabled() — Method in class AuthToken
Indicates whether according to the current configuration, AuthToken is enabled or not
BaseAsset::importString() — Method in class BaseAsset
Imports data from the provided string (URL).
BaseAsset::importJson() — Method in class BaseAsset
Imports data from the provided JSON.
BaseAsset::importConfiguration() — Method in class BaseAsset
Imports (merges) the asset configuration.
ImageClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class Image
Cloudinary::image() — Method in class Cloudinary
Creates a new Image instance using the current configuration instance.
Cloudinary::imageTag() — Method in class Cloudinary
Creates a new ImageTag instance using the current configuration instance.
$AuthTokenConfig#ipProperty in class AuthTokenConfig
(Optional) – only this IP address can access the resource.
Configuration::init() — Method in class Configuration
Configuration initializer.
Configuration::import() — Method in class Configuration
Imports configuration.
Configuration::instance() — Method in class Configuration
Singleton instance for effective access to global configuration.
Configuration::importJson() — Method in class Configuration
This is the actual constructor.
Configuration::importCloudinaryUrl() — Method in class Configuration
Imports configuration from a cloudinary URL.
Configuration::importConfig() — Method in class Configuration
Imports configuration from another instance of the Configuration.
ProvisioningConfiguration::init() — Method in class ProvisioningConfiguration
ConfigurationAccount initializer
ProvisioningConfiguration::importAccountUrl() — Method in class ProvisioningConfiguration
Imports configuration from a account URL.
ProvisioningConfiguration::importJson() — Method in class ProvisioningConfiguration
This is the actual constructor.
ProvisioningConfiguration::importConfig() — Method in class ProvisioningConfiguration
Imports configuration from another instance of the ConfigurationAccount.
ProvisioningConfiguration::instance() — Method in class ProvisioningConfiguration
Singleton instance for effective access to global configuration
$BaseImageTag#imageProperty in class BaseImageTag
BaseImageTag::importConfiguration() — Method in class BaseImageTag
Imports (merges) the configuration.
BaseImageTag::image() — Method in class BaseImageTag
Sets the image.
BaseTag::importConfiguration() — Method in class BaseTag
Imports (merges) the configuration.
ImageTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <img> tag with the src attribute set to the transformation URL, optional srcset and other specified attributes.
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Trait ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
$PictureTag#imageTagProperty in class PictureTag
PictureTag::image() — Method in class PictureTag
Sets the image of the picture.
$SpriteTag#imageProperty in class SpriteTag
SpriteTag::image() — Method in class SpriteTag
Creates the sprite image.
VideoThumbnailTag::image() — Method in class VideoThumbnailTag
Sets the image of the tag.


Metadata::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Metadata
SearchApi::jsonSerialize() — Method in class SearchApi
AccessControlRule::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AccessControlRule
AssetDescriptor::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
AssetTransformation::jsonSerialize() — Method in class AssetTransformation
BaseAsset::jsonSerialize() — Method in class BaseAsset
Configuration::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Configuration
ProvisioningConfiguration::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ProvisioningConfiguration
Serializes ConfigurationAccount to a json array.
BaseImageTag::jsonSerialize() — Method in class BaseImageTag
Serializes to json.
JsConfigTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <script/> tag for JavaScript:
VideoTag::jsonSerialize() — Method in class VideoTag
Serializes to json.


$AuthTokenConfig#keyProperty in class AuthTokenConfig
(Required) – the token must be signed with the encryption key received from Cloudinary.


StreamingProfilesTrait::listStreamingProfiles() — Method in class StreamingProfilesTrait
Lists streaming profiles including built-in and custom profiles.
$AssetDescriptor#locationProperty in class AssetDescriptor
$Configuration#loggingProperty in class Configuration
The configuration of the logging.
LoggingConfigClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Defines the global configuration for logging messages when using the SDK.
$LoggingConfig#levelProperty in class LoggingConfig
Settings for default logging level.
$ProvisioningConfiguration#loggingProperty in class ProvisioningConfiguration
$UrlConfig#longUrlSignatureProperty in class UrlConfig
Setting both this and signUrl to true will sign the URL using the first 32 characters of a SHA-256 hash.
UrlConfigTrait::longUrlSignature() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Setting both this and signUrl to true will sign the URL using the first 32 characters of a SHA-256 hash.
LoggerClass in namespace Cloudinary\Log
Class Logger
Logger::log() — Method in class Logger


MiscTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Admin
Represents several Admin API methods.
MetadataClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
The root structured metadata class.
MetadataDataEntryClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Controls structured metadata data entry.
MetadataDataSourceClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Represents the data source (list values) of a structured metadata list field. This is used in both 'set' and 'enum' field types. The datasource holds a list of the valid values to be used with the corresponding metadata field.
MetadataFieldClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Represents a single metadata field. Use one of the derived classes in metadata API calls.
MetadataFieldListClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Represents a structured metadata list field.
MetadataFieldTypeClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Defines the structured metadata field type.
MetadataValidationClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata\Validators
Represents the base class for metadata fields validation mechanisms.
CreativeTrait::multiAsync() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Creates a single animated image, video or PDF from all image assets that have been assigned a specified tag or from a provided array of URLs.
CreativeTrait::multi() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Creates a single animated image, video or PDF from all image assets that have been assigned a specified tag or from a provided array of URLs.
MediaClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class Media
ModerationStatusClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class ModerationStatus
ModerationTypeClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class ModerationType
$ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig#minWidthProperty in class ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig
The minimum width needed for the image. Default: 375.
$ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig#maxWidthProperty in class ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig
The maximum width needed for the image. Default 3840.
$ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig#maxImagesProperty in class ResponsiveBreakpointsConfig
The maximal number of breakpoints.
PictureSourceTag::media() — Method in class PictureSourceTag
Sets the media query $minWidth and $maxWidth.


NotAllowedClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Exception
NotAllowed error.
NotFoundClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Exception
NotFound error.


$CloudConfig#oauthTokenProperty in class CloudConfig
Optional for sever-side operations. Can be passed instead of passing API key and API secret.


MiscTrait::ping() — Method in class MiscTrait
Tests the reachability of the Cloudinary API.
MiscTrait::pingAsync() — Method in class MiscTrait
Tests the reachability of the Cloudinary API asynchronously.
ArchiveTrait::privateDownloadUrl() — Method in class ArchiveTrait
Returns a URL that when invoked downloads the asset.
AssetDescriptor::publicId() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Gets the public ID of the asset
ProvisioningAccountConfigClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration\Provisioning
Class ProvisioningAccountConfig
$ProvisioningAccountConfig#provisioningApiKeyProperty in class ProvisioningAccountConfig
The provisioning API key. Mandatory for provisioning API operations.
$ProvisioningAccountConfig#provisioningApiSecretProperty in class ProvisioningAccountConfig
The provisioning API secret. Mandatory for provisioning API operations.
ProvisioningConfigurationClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration\Provisioning
Class ProvisioningConfiguration
$ProvisioningConfiguration#provisioningAccountProperty in class ProvisioningConfiguration
$TagConfig#prependSrcAttributeProperty in class TagConfig
Defines whether to set "src" attribute first.
$UrlConfig#privateCdnProperty in class UrlConfig
Set this parameter to true if you are an Advanced plan user with a private CDN distribution.
UrlConfigTrait::privateCdn() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Set this parameter to true if you are an Advanced plan user with a private CDN distribution.
PictureSourceTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <source> tag with media and srcset attributes that can be used with a <picture> tag.
PictureTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <picture> tag containing <source> and <img> tags.
VideoTag::poster() — Method in class VideoTag
Sets the poster attribute.


$TagConfig#quotesTypeProperty in class TagConfig
Sets the type of the quotes to use (single or double). Default: BaseTag::DOUBLE_QUOTES.


AssetsTrait::restore() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Reverts to the latest backed up version of the specified deleted assets.
FoldersTrait::rootFolders() — Method in class FoldersTrait
Lists all root folders.
FoldersTrait::renameFolder() — Method in class FoldersTrait
Renames folder.
$ApiResponse#rateLimitResetAtProperty in class ApiResponse
Unix timestamp of the time the hourly count will be reset.
$ApiResponse#rateLimitAllowedProperty in class ApiResponse
Per-hour limit.
$ApiResponse#rateLimitRemainingProperty in class ApiResponse
Remaining number of actions.
RateLimitedClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Exception
RateLimited error.
AccountApi::removeUserFromGroup() — Method in class AccountApi
Removes a user from a group.
ContextTrait::removeAllContextAsync() — Method in class ContextTrait
Removes all context metadata from the specified assets.
ContextTrait::removeAllContext() — Method in class ContextTrait
Removes all context metadata from the specified assets.
EditTrait::renameAsync() — Method in class EditTrait
Renames the specified asset in your Cloudinary cloud.
EditTrait::rename() — Method in class EditTrait
Renames the specified asset in your Cloudinary cloud.
TagTrait::removeTagAsync() — Method in class TagTrait
Removes a tag from the assets specified.
TagTrait::removeTag() — Method in class TagTrait
Removes a tag from the assets specified.
TagTrait::removeAllTagsAsync() — Method in class TagTrait
Removes all tags from the assets specified.
TagTrait::removeAllTags() — Method in class TagTrait
Removes all tags from the assets specified.
TagTrait::replaceTagAsync() — Method in class TagTrait
Replaces all existing tags on the assets specified with the tag specified.
TagTrait::replaceTag() — Method in class TagTrait
Replaces all existing tags on the assets specified with the tag specified.
Cloudinary::raw() — Method in class Cloudinary
Creates a new Raw instance using the current configuration instance.
$Configuration#responsiveBreakpointsProperty in class Configuration
The configuration of the responsive breakpoints cache.
ResponsiveBreakpointsConfigClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Defines the global responsive breakpoints configuration.
$TagConfig#responsiveProperty in class TagConfig
Whether to generate responsive image tags.
$TagConfig#responsiveClassProperty in class TagConfig
The class of the responsive tag.
$TagConfig#responsivePlaceholderProperty in class TagConfig
The value of the 'src' attribute.
$TagConfig#relativeWidthProperty in class TagConfig
The percentage of the screen that the image occupies.
$UrlConfig#responsiveWidthProperty in class UrlConfig
Whether to use responsive width.
$UrlConfig#responsiveWidthTransformationProperty in class UrlConfig
The transformation to use with responsive width.
BaseImageTag::relativeWidth() — Method in class BaseImageTag
Sets the image relative width.


FoldersTrait::subFolders() — Method in class FoldersTrait
Lists sub-folders.
StreamingProfilesTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Admin
Enables you to manage streaming profiles for use with adaptive bitrate streaming.
ApiUtils::signParameters() — Method in class ApiUtils
Signs parameters of the request.
DateMetadataField::setDefaultValue() — Method in class DateMetadataField
Sets the default date for this field.
IntMetadataField::setDefaultValue() — Method in class IntMetadataField
Sets the default value for this field.
MetadataDataEntry::setValue() — Method in class MetadataDataEntry
Sets the value of the entry.
MetadataDataEntry::setExternalId() — Method in class MetadataDataEntry
Sets the ID of the entry. Will be auto-generated if left blank.
MetadataDataSource::setValues() — Method in class MetadataDataSource
Sets entities for this data source.
MetadataField::setDefaultValue() — Method in class MetadataField
Sets the default value of this field.
MetadataField::setExternalId() — Method in class MetadataField
Sets the ID of the string (auto-generated if this is left blank).
MetadataField::setLabel() — Method in class MetadataField
Sets the label of this field.
MetadataField::setMandatory() — Method in class MetadataField
Sets whether this field needs to be mandatory.
MetadataField::setValidation() — Method in class MetadataField
Sets the validation rules of this field.
MetadataField::setRestrictions() — Method in class MetadataField
Sets the restrictions of this field.
MetadataField::setDefaultDisabled() — Method in class MetadataField
Sets the value indicating whether the field should be disabled by default.
MetadataFieldList::setDataSource() — Method in class MetadataFieldList
Sets the data source for this field.
SetMetadataFieldClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Represents a metadata field with 'Set' (multi-selection list) type.
StringMetadataFieldClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata
Represents a metadata field with 'String' type.
StringMetadataField::setDefaultValue() — Method in class StringMetadataField
Sets the default value.
StringLengthClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Metadata\Validators
A validator to validate string lengths.
AccountApi::subAccounts() — Method in class AccountApi
Lists all sub accounts.
AccountApi::subAccount() — Method in class AccountApi
Gets information of a sub account.
SearchApiClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Search
Class SearchApi
SearchFoldersApiClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Search
Class SearchFoldersApi
AssetDescriptor::setPublicId() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Sets the public ID of the asset.
AssetDescriptor::setSuffix() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Sets the URL SEO suffix of the asset.
BaseAsset::setPublicId() — Method in class BaseAsset
Sets the public ID of the asset.
BaseMediaAsset::setTransformation() — Method in class BaseMediaAsset
Sets the transformation.
BaseMediaAsset::setFormat() — Method in class BaseMediaAsset
Sets the asset format.
SearchAssetClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class SearchAsset
Cloudinary::searchApi() — Method in class Cloudinary
Creates a new SearchApi instance using the current configuration instance.
Cloudinary::searchFoldersApi() — Method in class Cloudinary
Creates a new SearchFoldersApi instance using the current configuration instance.
$AuthTokenConfig#startTimeProperty in class AuthTokenConfig
(Optional) – timestamp of the UNIX time when the URL becomes valid. Default value: the current time.
$TagConfig#sizesProperty in class TagConfig
Whether to automatically generate "sizes" attribute if not provided.
$TagConfig#sortAttributesProperty in class TagConfig
Defines whether to sort attributes by keys alphabetically.
$UrlConfig#secureCdnSubdomainProperty in class UrlConfig
Secure CDN sub-domain.
$UrlConfig#secureCnameProperty in class UrlConfig
The domain name of the CDN distribution to use for building HTTPS URLs. Relevant only for Advanced plan users that have a private CDN distribution.
$UrlConfig#signUrlProperty in class UrlConfig
Set to true to create a Cloudinary URL signed with the first 8 characters of a SHA-1 hash.
$UrlConfig#shortenProperty in class UrlConfig
Set to true to use shorten asset type.
$UrlConfig#secureProperty in class UrlConfig
Force HTTPS URLs for resources even if they are embedded in non-secure HTTP pages.
UrlConfigTrait::secureCdnSubdomain() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Whether to use secure CDN sub-domain.
UrlConfigTrait::secure() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Force HTTPS URLs for resources even if they are embedded in non-secure HTTP pages.
UrlConfigTrait::secureCname() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
The domain name of the CDN distribution to use for building HTTPS URLs.
UrlConfigTrait::signUrl() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Set to true to create a signed Cloudinary URL.
UrlConfigTrait::shorten() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Set to true to use shorten asset type.
$BaseImageTag#srcsetProperty in class BaseImageTag
BaseTag::setClass() — Method in class BaseTag
Resets tag classes and sets the specified one.
BaseTag::setAttribute() — Method in class BaseTag
Sets tag attribute.
BaseTag::setAttributes() — Method in class BaseTag
Sets (multiple) tag attributes.
BaseTag::setContent() — Method in class BaseTag
Sets the content of the tag to the specified one.
BaseTag::serialize() — Method in class BaseTag
Serializes the tag to string.
BaseTag::serializeContent() — Method in class BaseTag
Serializes the tag content.
BaseTag::serializeAttributes() — Method in class BaseTag
Serializes the tag attributes.
ImageTag::serializeAttributes() — Method in class ImageTag
Serializes the tag attributes.
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::sprite() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for sprite tag.
PictureSourceTag::sizes() — Method in class PictureSourceTag
Sets the sizes tag attribute.
PictureSourceTag::serializeAttributes() — Method in class PictureSourceTag
Serializes the tag attributes.
$PictureTag#sourcesProperty in class PictureTag
PictureTag::setSources() — Method in class PictureTag
Sets the tag sources.
PictureTag::serializeContent() — Method in class PictureTag
Serializes the tag content.
SpriteTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <link> tag to specify the relationship to the CSS file associated with an image sprite.
SpriteTag::serializeAttributes() — Method in class SpriteTag
Serializes the tag attributes.
UploadTag::serializeAttributes() — Method in class UploadTag
Serializes the tag attributes.
VideoSourceTag::serializeAttributes() — Method in class VideoSourceTag
Serializes the tag attributes.
VideoTag::sources() — Method in class VideoTag
Sets the tag sources.
VideoTag::serializeAttributes() — Method in class VideoTag
Serializes the tag attributes.
VideoTag::serializeContent() — Method in class VideoTag
Serializes the tag content.


MiscTrait::tags() — Method in class MiscTrait
Lists all the tags currently used for a specified asset type.
TransformationsTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Admin
Enables you to manage stored transformations.
TransformationsTrait::transformations() — Method in class TransformationsTrait
Lists stored transformations.
TransformationsTrait::transformation() — Method in class TransformationsTrait
Returns the details of a single transformation.
SearchApi::toUrl() — Method in class SearchApi
Creates a signed Search URL that can be used on the client side.
CreativeTrait::textAsync() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Dynamically generates an image from a given textual string.
CreativeTrait::text() — Method in class CreativeTrait
Dynamically generates an image from a given textual string.
TagTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Upload
Trait TagTrait
BaseAsset::toUrl() — Method in class BaseAsset
Serializes to URL string.
$BaseMediaAsset#transformationProperty in class BaseMediaAsset
BaseMediaAsset::toUrl() — Method in class BaseMediaAsset
Serializes to the URL string.
SearchAsset::toUrl() — Method in class SearchAsset
Creates a signed Search URL that can be used on the client side.
Cloudinary::tag() — Method in class Cloudinary
Returns an instance of the TagBuilder class that includes builders for all tags.
$ApiConfig#timeoutProperty in class ApiConfig
Describing the timeout of the request in seconds. Use 0 to wait indefinitely (the default value is 60 seconds).
$Configuration#tagProperty in class Configuration
The configuration of tags.
Configuration::toString() — Method in class Configuration
Serialises Configuration to Cloudinary url
$LoggingConfig#testProperty in class LoggingConfig
Settings for logging messages for testing purposes.
TagConfigClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Defines the global configuration for html tags generated using the Cloudinary PHP SDK.
TagConfigTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Trait TagConfigTrait
BaseTag::toTag() — Method in class BaseTag
Serializes the tag to string.
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::twitter() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for twitter profile picture tag.
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::twitterName() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for twitter profile picture by name.
VideoSourceTag::type() — Method in class VideoSourceTag
Sets the type.


AssetsTrait::update() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Updates details of an existing asset.
MiscTrait::usage() — Method in class MiscTrait
Gets cloud usage details.
StreamingProfilesTrait::updateStreamingProfile() — Method in class StreamingProfilesTrait
Updates an existing streaming profile.
TransformationsTrait::updateTransformation() — Method in class TransformationsTrait
Updates the specified transformation.
UploadMappingsTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Admin
Enables you to manage the upload mappings.
UploadMappingsTrait::uploadMappings() — Method in class UploadMappingsTrait
Lists upload mappings by folder and its mapped template (URL).
UploadMappingsTrait::uploadMapping() — Method in class UploadMappingsTrait
Returns the details of the specified upload mapping.
UploadMappingsTrait::updateUploadMapping() — Method in class UploadMappingsTrait
Updates an existing upload mapping with a new template (URL).
UploadPresetsTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Admin
Enables you to manage upload presets.
UploadPresetsTrait::uploadPresets() — Method in class UploadPresetsTrait
Lists existing upload presets.
UploadPresetsTrait::uploadPreset() — Method in class UploadPresetsTrait
Retrieves the details of the specified upload preset.
UploadPresetsTrait::updateUploadPreset() — Method in class UploadPresetsTrait
Updates the specified upload preset.
AccountApi::user() — Method in class AccountApi
Gets details of a specific user.
AccountApi::users() — Method in class AccountApi
Gets a list of the users according to filters.
AccountApi::updateUser() — Method in class AccountApi
Updates an existing user.
AccountApi::updateSubAccount() — Method in class AccountApi
Updates a sub account.
AccountApi::updateUserGroup() — Method in class AccountApi
Updates an existing user group.
AccountApi::userGroup() — Method in class AccountApi
Gets details of a group.
AccountApi::userGroups() — Method in class AccountApi
Gets a list of all the user groups.
AccountApi::userGroupUsers() — Method in class AccountApi
Gets a user list belonging to a user group.
AccountApi::updateAccessKey() — Method in class AccountApi
Updates the access key.
UserRoleClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Provisioning
A user role to use in the user management API (create/update user)
EditTrait::updateMetadataAsync() — Method in class EditTrait
Populates metadata fields with the given values. Existing values will be overwritten.
EditTrait::updateMetadata() — Method in class EditTrait
Populates metadata fields with the given values.
UploadApiClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Upload
Class UploadApi for accessing Cloudinary Upload API functionality
UploadTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Api\Upload
Trait UploadTrait
UploadTrait::uploadAsync() — Method in class UploadTrait
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
UploadTrait::upload() — Method in class UploadTrait
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
UploadTrait::unsignedUploadAsync() — Method in class UploadTrait
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
UploadTrait::unsignedUpload() — Method in class UploadTrait
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
$BaseAsset#urlConfigProperty in class BaseAsset
Cloudinary::uploadApi() — Method in class Cloudinary
Creates a new UploadApi instance using the current configuration instance.
$ApiConfig#uploadPrefixProperty in class ApiConfig
Used for changing default API host.
$ApiConfig#uploadTimeoutProperty in class ApiConfig
Describing the timeout of the upload request in seconds. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.
$Configuration#urlProperty in class Configuration
The configuration of the URL.
$TagConfig#unsignedUploadProperty in class TagConfig
Whether to perform unsigned upload in the UploadTag.
$TagConfig#useFetchFormatProperty in class TagConfig
Whether to use fetch format transformation ("f_") instead of file extension.
TagConfigTrait::useFetchFormat() — Method in class TagConfigTrait
Use fetch format transformation ("f_") instead of file extension.
UrlConfigClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Defines the global configuration applied when generating Cloudinary URLs.
$UrlConfig#useRootPathProperty in class UrlConfig
Set to true to omit type and resource_type in the URL.
UrlConfigTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Configuration
Trait UrlConfigTrait
UrlConfigTrait::useRootPath() — Method in class UrlConfigTrait
Set to true to omit type and resource_type in the URL.
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::upload() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for uploaded asset image tag.
UploadTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <input> tag to use for uploading files.
UploadTag::unsigned() — Method in class UploadTag
Builds an unsigned upload tag.
VideoTagDeliveryTypeTrait::upload() — Method in class VideoTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Creates the video tag of the uploaded video.


AssetsTrait::visualSearch() — Method in class AssetsTrait
Find images based on their visual content.
$AssetDescriptor#versionProperty in class AssetDescriptor
VideoClass in namespace Cloudinary\Asset
Class Video
Cloudinary::video() — Method in class Cloudinary
Creates a new Video instance using the current configuration instance.
Cloudinary::videoTag() — Method in class Cloudinary
Creates a new VideoTag instance using the current configuration instance.
Configuration::validate() — Method in class Configuration
$TagConfig#voidClosingSlashProperty in class TagConfig
Defines whether to add slash to the void tag ending, e.g. "/>" or simply ">".
$TagConfig#videoPosterFormatProperty in class TagConfig
Image format of the video poster.
TagConfigTrait::videoPosterFormat() — Method in class TagConfigTrait
Image format of the video poster.
ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::vimeo() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for the thumbnail of the Vimeo video.
VideoSourceTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <source> tag that can be used with a <video> tag.
$VideoSourceTag#videoProperty in class VideoSourceTag
VideoSourceTag::video() — Method in class VideoSourceTag
Sets the video of the tag.
VideoTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <video> tag with specified attributes, containing <source> tags for the transformation URLs.
VideoTag::video() — Method in class VideoTag
Sets the video of the tag.
VideoTagDeliveryTypeTraitClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Trait VideoTagDeliveryTypeTrait
VideoThumbnailTagClass in namespace Cloudinary\Tag
Generates an HTML <img> tag based on a captured frame from the specified video source.


ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::worldStarHipHop() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for the thumbnail of the World Star Hip Hop video.


ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait::youTube() — Method in class ImageTagDeliveryTypeTrait
Static builder for the thumbnail of the YouTube video.


AdminApi::__construct() — Method in class AdminApi
AdminApi constructor.
ApiResponse::__construct() — Method in class ApiResponse
ApiResponse constructor.
DateMetadataField::__construct() — Method in class DateMetadataField
The DateMetadataField constructor.
EnumMetadataField::__construct() — Method in class EnumMetadataField
The EnumMetadataField constructor.
IntMetadataField::__construct() — Method in class IntMetadataField
The IntMetadataField constructor.
MetadataDataEntry::__construct() — Method in class MetadataDataEntry
MetadataDataEntry constructor.
MetadataDataSource::__construct() — Method in class MetadataDataSource
The MetadataDataSource constructor.
MetadataField::__construct() — Method in class MetadataField
The MetadataField constructor.
MetadataFieldList::__construct() — Method in class MetadataFieldList
The MetadataFieldList constructor.
SetMetadataField::__construct() — Method in class SetMetadataField
The SetMetadataField constructor.
StringMetadataField::__construct() — Method in class StringMetadataField
The StringMetadataField constructor.
AndValidator::__construct() — Method in class AndValidator
Create a new instance of the validator with the given rules.
ComparisonRule::__construct() — Method in class ComparisonRule
ComparisonRule constructor.
DateGreaterThan::__construct() — Method in class DateGreaterThan
Create a new rule with the given integer.
DateLessThan::__construct() — Method in class DateLessThan
Create a new rule with the given date.
IntGreaterThan::__construct() — Method in class IntGreaterThan
Create a new rule with the given integer.
IntLessThan::__construct() — Method in class IntLessThan
Create a new rule with the given integer.
StringLength::__construct() — Method in class StringLength
Create a new instance with the given min and max.
AccountApi::__construct() — Method in class AccountApi
AccountApi constructor.
SearchApi::__construct() — Method in class SearchApi
SearchApi constructor.
SearchFoldersApi::__construct() — Method in class SearchFoldersApi
SearchFoldersApi constructor.
UploadApi::__construct() — Method in class UploadApi
Admin Api constructor.
AccessControlRule::__construct() — Method in class AccessControlRule
AccessControlRule constructor.
AssetDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
AssetDescriptor constructor.
AssetDescriptor::__get() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Gets inaccessible class property by name.
AssetDescriptor::__isset() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Indicates whether the inaccessible class property is set.
AssetDescriptor::__set() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Sets the inaccessible class property.
AssetDescriptor::__toString() — Method in class AssetDescriptor
Serializes to string.
AssetTransformation::__construct() — Method in class AssetTransformation
AssetTransformation constructor.
AssetTransformation::__toString() — Method in class AssetTransformation
Serializes to string.
AuthToken::__construct() — Method in class AuthToken
AuthToken constructor.
BaseAsset::__construct() — Method in class BaseAsset
BaseAsset constructor.
BaseAsset::__toString() — Method in class BaseAsset
Serializes to string.
BaseMediaAsset::__construct() — Method in class BaseMediaAsset
BaseMediaAsset constructor.
SearchAsset::__construct() — Method in class SearchAsset
SearchAsset constructor.
Cloudinary::__construct() — Method in class Cloudinary
Cloudinary constructor.
CloudConfig::__toString() — Method in class CloudConfig
Serialises configuration section to a string representation.
Configuration::__construct() — Method in class Configuration
Configuration constructor.
Configuration::__toString() — Method in class Configuration
Serialises Configuration to Cloudinary url
ProvisioningConfiguration::__construct() — Method in class ProvisioningConfiguration
ConfigurationAccount constructor.
UrlConfig::__toString() — Method in class UrlConfig
Serialises configuration section to a string representation.
Logger::__construct() — Method in class Logger
Logger constructor.
BaseConfigurableApiTag::__construct() — Method in class BaseConfigurableApiTag
BaseConfigurableApiTag constructor.
BaseImageTag::__construct() — Method in class BaseImageTag
BaseImageTag constructor.
BaseTag::__construct() — Method in class BaseTag
BaseTag constructor.
BaseTag::__toString() — Method in class BaseTag
Serializes the tag to string.
JsConfigTag::__construct() — Method in class JsConfigTag
JsConfigTag constructor.
PictureSourceTag::__construct() — Method in class PictureSourceTag
PictureSourceTag constructor.
PictureTag::__construct() — Method in class PictureTag
PictureTag constructor.
SpriteTag::__construct() — Method in class SpriteTag
SpriteTag constructor.
UploadTag::__construct() — Method in class UploadTag
UploadTag constructor.
VideoSourceTag::__construct() — Method in class VideoSourceTag
VideoSourceTag constructor.
VideoTag::__construct() — Method in class VideoTag
VideoTag constructor.