trait UploadTrait
Trait UploadTrait
ApiClient | $apiClient | Defined in UploadApi class |
Consolidates the upload parameters.
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
static array
buildUploadParams(array $options)
Consolidates the upload parameters.
uploadAsync(mixed $file, array $options = [])
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
The asset can be: * a local file path * the actual data (byte array buffer) * the Data URI (Base64 encoded), max ~60 MB (62,910,000 chars) * the remote FTP, HTTP or HTTPS URL address of an existing file * a private storage bucket (S3 or Google Storage) URL of a whitelisted bucket
This is an asynchronous function.
upload(mixed $file, array $options = [])
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
The asset can be: * a local file path * the actual data (byte array buffer) * the Data URI (Base64 encoded), max ~60 MB (62,910,000 chars) * the remote FTP, HTTP or HTTPS URL address of an existing file * a private storage bucket (S3 or Google Storage) URL of a whitelisted bucket
unsignedUploadAsync(string $file, string $uploadPreset, array $options = [])
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
The upload is not signed so an upload preset is required.
This is an asynchronous function.
unsignedUpload(string $file, string $uploadPreset, array $options = [])
Uploads an asset to a Cloudinary cloud.
The upload is not signed so an upload preset is required.