trait EditTrait
Trait EditTrait
ApiClient | $apiClient | Defined in UploadApi class |
Immediately and permanently deletes a single asset from your Cloudinary cloud.
Immediately and permanently deletes a single asset from your Cloudinary cloud.
Renames the specified asset in your Cloudinary cloud.
Renames the specified asset in your Cloudinary cloud.
Applies actions to an already uploaded asset.
Applies actions to already uploaded assets.
Populates metadata fields with the given values. Existing values will be overwritten.
Populates metadata fields with the given values.
destroyAsync(string $publicId, array $options = [])
Immediately and permanently deletes a single asset from your Cloudinary cloud.
Backed up assets are not deleted, and any assets and transformed assets already downloaded by visitors to your
website might still be accessible through cached copies on the CDN. You can invalidate any cached copies on the
CDN with the invalidate
This is an asynchronous function.
destroy(string $publicId, array $options = [])
Immediately and permanently deletes a single asset from your Cloudinary cloud.
Backed up assets are not deleted, and any assets and transformed assets already downloaded by visitors to your
website might still be accessible through cached copies on the CDN. You can invalidate any cached copies on the
CDN with the invalidate
renameAsync(string $fromPublicId, string $toPublicId, array $options = [])
Renames the specified asset in your Cloudinary cloud.
The existing URLs of renamed assets and their associated derived assets are no longer valid, although any
assets and transformed assets already downloaded by visitors to your website might still be accessible through
cached copies on the CDN. You can invalidate any cached copies on the CDN with the invalidate
This is an asynchronous function.
rename(string $fromPublicId, string $toPublicId, array $options = [])
Renames the specified asset in your Cloudinary cloud.
The existing URLs of renamed assets and their associated derived assets are no longer valid, although any
assets and transformed assets already downloaded by visitors to your website might still be accessible through
cached copies on the CDN. You can invalidate any cached copies on the CDN with the invalidate
explicitAsync(string $publicId, array $options = [])
Applies actions to an already uploaded asset.
This is an asynchronous function.
explicit(string $publicId, array $options = [])
Applies actions to already uploaded assets.
updateMetadataAsync(array $metadata, array $publicIds, array $options)
Populates metadata fields with the given values. Existing values will be overwritten.
Any metadata-value pairs given are merged with any existing metadata-value pairs (an empty value for an existing metadata field clears the value).
This is an asynchronous function.
updateMetadata(array $metadata, array $publicIds, array $options = [])
Populates metadata fields with the given values.
Existing values will be overwritten.
Any metadata-value pairs given are merged with any existing metadata-value pairs (an empty value for an existing metadata field clears the value).