Cloudinary Blog

Explore Image Management Best Practices at ImageCon

You're invited to ImageCon - the image management conference!

Images – if you’re a developer, there’s no doubt that at one time or another, you’ve probably worked with a lot of image files, and may have been tasked with ensuring a top-notch user experience or continually improving website and app performance. You may have posed questions on online message boards, or sought advice from your developer colleagues. But there hasn’t been a conference that solely focused on image management…until now.

Introducing ImageCon – the first-ever event designed to bring together developers for an open, frank discussion of image management challenges. ImageCon, which takes place Wednesday, March 1, at the Four Seasons in San Francisco – will feature presentations by some of today’s visionaries, leading technologists and developers who will share their thought leadership about best practices, including:

  • Vitaly Friedmaneditor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine – Leading a session called “Reaching for the Stars: Why Images Matter,” Vitaly will discuss why designers struggle with art direction and data visualization when trying to craft a great user experience across various screens and platforms. 
  • Jason Grigsby, co-founder of Cloud Four – In a session on “Delivering Responsive Images,” Jason will outline the hard work ahead now that solutions for responsive images has been integrated with browsers.
  • Tobin Titus, senior program manager at Microsoft – During “The Physics of Fast: Image Compression,” Tobin will examine how performance best practices are changing as more users shift to lower-cost devices on mobile networks. He’ll cover physical limitations of the devices, choices of graphics formats and how these factors impact the performance of your entire site or application.
  • Steve Souders, chief SpeedCurver at SpeedCurve – Steve will look at “Measuring Image Performance” in this session, during which he’ll discuss tracking website speed and other best practices for performance measurement, designed to optimize your site and engage users.
  • Allison McKnight, senior software engineer for Etsy – During a session on “Image Performance: Good for Your Users, Good for Your Business,” Allison will share real-world examples of the positive impact image optimization can have on metrics important to your business and end users, and talk about useful tools for enhancing user experience.

Cloudinary is very excited about the great line-up of speakers and the opportunity the event presents for the industry as a whole to advance image management best practices. We believe you’ll come away with practical advice and solutions that you can employ right away to address the challenges you face in optimizing your website for end users.  

More importantly, we believe this is a great opportunity to network with your peers and learn from their experiences. Through an open dialogue and sharing real-world experiences, we expect ImageCon to play an important role in advancing – and improving – the practice of image management. 

We hope you’ll join us at ImageConregister today.

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