class FillLight extends BlendEffectQualifier

Adjusts the fill light and blends the result with the original image.


__construct(int $blend = null, int $bias = null)

FillLight constructor.

bias(int $bias)

Sets the bias.


__construct(int $blend = null, int $bias = null)

FillLight constructor.


Name Type Description
$blend int How much to blend the adjusted fill light, where 0 means only use the original and 100 means only use the adjusted fill light result. (Range: 0 to 100, Server default: 100)
$bias int The bias to apply to the fill light effect (Range: -100 to 100, Server default: 0).

FillLight bias(int $bias)

Sets the bias.


Name Type Description
$bias int The bias to apply to the fill light effect (Range: -100 to 100, Server default: 0).

Return Value
