trait VideoEffectTrait
Trait VideoEffectTrait
Removes small motion shifts from the video. with a maximum extent of movement in the horizontal and vertical direction of 32 pixels
Fade in at the beginning of the video.
Fade out at the end of the video.
Adds visual noise to the video, visible as a random flicker of "dots" or "snow".
Changes the speed of the video playback.
Causes a video clip to play forwards and then backwards.
Delivers a video that contains additional loops of the video.
Plays the video or audio file in reverse.
Indicates that the video overlay is to be used as a transition between the base and second video.
static Deshake
deshake(int $shakeStrength = null)
Removes small motion shifts from the video. with a maximum extent of movement in the horizontal and vertical direction of 32 pixels
static DurationEffectAction
fadeIn(int $duration = null)
Fade in at the beginning of the video.
For details and examples, see 'Fade in and out' in the Video Transformations guide.
static DurationEffectAction
fadeOut(int $duration = null)
Fade out at the end of the video.
For details and examples, see 'Fade in and out' in the Video Transformations guide.
static EffectAction
noise(int $percentage = null)
Adds visual noise to the video, visible as a random flicker of "dots" or "snow".
static Accelerate
accelerate(int $rate = null)
Changes the speed of the video playback.
static EffectAction
Causes a video clip to play forwards and then backwards.
Use in conjunction with trimming qualifiers ('duration', 'start_offset', or 'end_offset') and the 'loop' effect to deliver a classic (short, repeating) boomerang clip. For details and examples, see 'Create a boomerang video clip' in the Video Transformations guide.
static Loop
loop(int $additionalIterations = null)
Delivers a video that contains additional loops of the video.
The total number of iterations is the number of additional loops plus one.
For animated images (GIF), see Animated::edit()->loop().
static EffectAction
Plays the video or audio file in reverse.
static EffectAction
volume(int|Volume $level)
Increases or decreases the volume by a percentage of the current volume.
Also see \Cloudinary\Transformation\Volume for different ways to change the volume.
static EffectAction
Indicates that the video overlay is to be used as a transition between the base and second video.