abstract class VideoEffect

Defines how to transform the appearance of a video.

Learn more: Video effects


deshake(int|null $shakeStrength = null)

Removes small motion shifts from the video. with a maximum extent of movement in the horizontal and vertical direction of 32 pixels

fadeIn(int|null $duration = null)

Fade in at the beginning of the video.

fadeOut(int|null $duration = null)

Fade out at the end of the video.

noise(int|null $percentage = null)

Adds visual noise to the video, visible as a random flicker of "dots" or "snow".


static Deshake deshake(int|null $shakeStrength = null)

Removes small motion shifts from the video. with a maximum extent of movement in the horizontal and vertical direction of 32 pixels


Name Type Description
$shakeStrength int|null The maximum number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical direction that will be addressed. (Possible values: 16, 32, 48, 64. Server default: 16)

Return Value


static DurationEffectAction fadeIn(int|null $duration = null)

Fade in at the beginning of the video.

For details and examples, see 'Fade in and out' in the Video Transformations guide.


Name Type Description
$duration int|null The time in ms for the fade to occur. (Server default: 1000)

Return Value


See also


static DurationEffectAction fadeOut(int|null $duration = null)

Fade out at the end of the video.

For details and examples, see 'Fade in and out' in the Video Transformations guide.


Name Type Description
$duration int|null The time in ms for the fade to occur.

Return Value


See also


static EffectAction noise(int|null $percentage = null)

Adds visual noise to the video, visible as a random flicker of "dots" or "snow".


Name Type Description
$percentage int|null The percent of noise to apply. (Range: 0 to 100 Server default: 0)

Return Value
