trait AbsolutePositionTrait

Trait AbsolutePositionTrait


x(int|float|string $x)

Sets the x dimension of the point.

y(int|float|string $y)

Sets the y dimension of the point.

point(int|float|string $x = null, int|float|string $y = null)

Sets the x and y dimensions of the point.

position(int|float|string $x = null, int|float|string $y = null)

Sets the absolute position.


$this x(int|float|string $x)

Sets the x dimension of the point.


Name Type Description
$x int|float|string The value of the x dimension.

Return Value


$this y(int|float|string $y)

Sets the y dimension of the point.


Name Type Description
$y int|float|string The value of the y dimension.

Return Value


PointTrait point(int|float|string $x = null, int|float|string $y = null)

Sets the x and y dimensions of the point.


Name Type Description
$x int|float|string The value of the x dimension.
$y int|float|string The value of the y dimension.

Return Value


$this position(int|float|string $x = null, int|float|string $y = null)

Sets the absolute position.


Name Type Description
$x int|float|string The x dimension.
$y int|float|string The y dimension.

Return Value
