import {normal as normalFontWeight} from "./fontWeight.js";
import {normal as normalFontStyle} from "./fontStyle.js";
import {normal as normalTextDecoration} from "./textDecoration.js";
import {serializeCloudinaryCharacters} from "../internal/utils/serializeCloudinaryCharacters.js";
import {FontAntialiasType, FontWeightType, TextAlignmentType, TextDecorationType} from "../types/types.js";
import {ITextStyleModel} from "../internal/models/ITextStyleModel.js";
import {QualifierModel} from "../internal/models/QualifierModel.js";
import {solid} from "./textStroke.js";
import {isISolidStrokeModel} from "../internal/models/IStrokeModel.js";
* @summary qualifier
* @description Specifies how to style your layered text, controls the font, font size, line spacing and more.
* </br><b>Learn more</b>: {@link|Adding text overlays to images}
* </br><b>Learn more</b>: {@link|Adding text overlays to videos}
* @see {@link Actions.Overlay| The overlay action}
* @see {@link Actions.Underlay| The underlay action}
* @memberOf Qualifiers
class TextStyle extends QualifierModel {
protected _qualifierModel: ITextStyleModel;
* @param {string} fontFamily The font family
* @param {number | string} fontSize The font size
constructor(fontFamily: string, fontSize: string | number) {
if (!fontFamily || !fontSize) {
throw `You must provide a fontFamily and fontSize to a TextStyle`;
this._qualifierModel.fontFamily = fontFamily;
this._qualifierModel.fontSize = fontSize;
* @param {number} spacing The spacing between multiple lines in pixels.
lineSpacing(spacing: number): this {
this._qualifierModel.lineSpacing = spacing;
return this;
* @param spacing The spacing between the letters, in pixels.
letterSpacing(spacing: number): this {
this._qualifierModel.letterSpacing = spacing;
return this;
* The antialias setting to apply to the text. When this parameter is not specified, the default antialiasing for the subsystem and target device are applied.
* @param {FontAntialiasType|string} antiAlias
fontAntialias(antiAlias: FontAntialiasType | string): this {
this._qualifierModel.fontAntialias = antiAlias;
return this;
* The name of any universally available font or a custom font, specified as the public ID of a raw, authenticated font in your account.
* For details on custom fonts, see {@link|Using custom fonts for text overlays}.
* @param {string} fontFamilyName
fontFamily(fontFamilyName: string): this {
this._qualifierModel.fontFamily = fontFamilyName;
return this;
* @param {number} fontSize The font size
fontSize(fontSize: number | string): this {
this._qualifierModel.fontSize = fontSize;
return this;
* @param {FontWeightType|string} fontWeight The font weight
fontWeight(fontWeight: FontWeightType | string): this {
this._qualifierModel.fontWeight = fontWeight;
return this;
* @param {string} fontStyle The font style.
fontStyle(fontStyle: 'normal' | 'italic' | string): this {
this._qualifierModel.fontStyle = fontStyle;
return this;
* @param {string} fontHinting The outline hinting style to apply to the text. When this parameter is not specified, the default hint style for the font and target device are applied.
fontHinting(fontHinting: string): this {
this._qualifierModel.fontHinting = fontHinting;
return this;
* @param {TextDecorationType|string} textDecoration The font decoration type.
textDecoration(textDecoration: TextDecorationType | string): this {
this._qualifierModel.textDecoration = textDecoration;
return this;
* @param {TextAlignmentType|string} textAlignment The text alignment
textAlignment(textAlignment: TextAlignmentType | string): this {
this._qualifierModel.textAlignment = textAlignment;
return this;
* @description Whether to include an outline stroke. Set the color and weight of the stroke
stroke(textStroke?: string): this {
if (textStroke) {
const strokeStyle = textStroke.split('_');
this._qualifierModel.stroke = {
width: +(strokeStyle[1].replace('px', '')),
color: strokeStyle[strokeStyle.length - 1]
} else {
this._qualifierModel.stroke = true;
return this;
toString(): string {
const {stroke} = this._qualifierModel;
let strokeStr = '';
if (stroke) {
strokeStr = isISolidStrokeModel(stroke) ? `stroke_${solid(stroke.width, stroke.color)}` : 'stroke';
return [
this._qualifierModel.fontWeight !== normalFontWeight() && this._qualifierModel.fontWeight,
this._qualifierModel.fontStyle !== normalFontStyle() && this._qualifierModel.fontStyle,
this._qualifierModel.textDecoration !== normalTextDecoration() && this._qualifierModel.textDecoration,
this._qualifierModel.letterSpacing && `letter_spacing_${this._qualifierModel.letterSpacing}`,
this._qualifierModel.lineSpacing && `line_spacing_${this._qualifierModel.lineSpacing}`,
this._qualifierModel.fontAntialias && `antialias_${this._qualifierModel.fontAntialias}`,
this._qualifierModel.fontHinting && `hinting_${this._qualifierModel.fontHinting}`
].filter((a) => a).join('_');
export {TextStyle};