import {BaseGradientBackground} from "../base/BaseGradientBackground.js";

 * @description Specifies that the gradient fade effect, used for the background when resizing with padding, uses the
 * predominant colors in the border pixels of the image.
 * @memberOf Qualifiers.Background
 * @extends {Qualifiers.Background.BaseGradientBackground}
class BackgroundBorderGradientQualifier extends BaseGradientBackground {
   * @description
   * Stringify the qualifier
   * BackgroundQualifiers don't have a value, but instead override the toString() function.
  toString(): string {
    return `
    ${this._contrast ? '_contrast' : ''}
    ${this._gradientColors ? `:${this._gradientColors}` : ''}
    ${this._gradientDirection ? `:${this._gradientDirection}` : ''}
    ${this._palette.length ? `:palette_${this._palette.join('_')}` : ''}
    `.replace(/\s+/g, '');

export {BackgroundBorderGradientQualifier};