import {Action} from "../../internal/Action.js";
import {Qualifier} from "../../internal/qualifier/Qualifier.js";
import {AnimatedFormatQualifierValue} from "../../qualifiers/animatedFormat/AnimatedFormatQualifierValue.js";
import {animatedWebP} from "../../qualifiers/flag.js";
import {animated} from "../../qualifiers/flag.js";
import {IToAnimatedActionModel} from "../../internal/models/ITranscodeActionModel.js";
import {IActionModel} from "../../internal/models/IActionModel.js";
* @extends SDK.Action
* @memberOf Actions.Transcode
* @description Converts a video to an animated webp or gif.
* The resulting transformation includes format (f_format) and the animated flag (fl_animated).
* The flag fl_awebp is added only when an animated webp is requested.
* @see Visit {@link Actions.Transcode|Transcode} for an example
class ToAnimatedAction extends Action {
protected _actionModel : IToAnimatedActionModel = {actionType: 'toAnimated'};
constructor(animatedFormat: AnimatedFormatQualifierValue | string = '') {
if (animatedFormat.toString() === 'webp'){
if (animatedFormat) {
this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('f', animatedFormat));
this._actionModel.animatedFormat = animatedFormat as string;
* @description Sets the time between frames.
* @param delayValue The time in milliseconds.
delay(delayValue: number): this {
this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('dl', delayValue));
this._actionModel.delay = delayValue;
return this;
* @description Sets the frequency at which the video is sampled.
* @param sampling As a string (e.g. '2.3s'), samples one frame every 2.3 seconds.<br>As a number (e.g. 20),
* samples that many equally spaced frames over the duration of the video.
sampling(sampling: string|number): this {
this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('vs', sampling));
this._actionModel.sampling = sampling;
return this;
static fromJson(actionModel: IActionModel): ToAnimatedAction {
const {animatedFormat, sampling, delay} = (actionModel as IToAnimatedActionModel);
// We are using this() to allow inheriting classes to use super.fromJson.apply(this, [actionModel])
// This allows the inheriting classes to determine the class to be created
const result = new this(animatedFormat);
sampling && result.sampling(sampling);
delay && result.delay(delay);
return result;
export default ToAnimatedAction;