 * @description Determines how to crop, scale, and/or zoom the delivered asset according to the requested dimensions.
 * @memberOf Actions
 * @namespace Resize
 * @see Learn more about Gravity and Focus {@link Qualifiers.Gravity| here }
 * @example
 * <caption> <h4>Scaling an image</h4> </caption>
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * import {scale, fit, pad, crop} from '@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/resize';
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.resize( scale(100, 100) );
 * // All resize actions have a similar interface.
 * // image.resize( fit(100, 100)) );
 * // image.resize( pad(100, 100)) );
 * // image.resize( crop(100, 100)) );
 * // However, Some actions have additional arguments exposed as builder methods.
 * // See the documentation for each method for more information
 * // Alternative syntax, using builder methods
 * image.resize(
 *  scale()
 *    .width(100)
 *    .height(100)
 * );
 * image.toString()
 * @example
 * <caption> <h4>Cropping with automatic focus(Gravity)</h4> </caption>
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * import {scale} from '@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/resize';
 * import {autoGravity} from '@cloudinary/url-gen/qualifiers/gravity';
 * image.resize( crop(100, 100).gravity(autoGravity()) );
 * // Alternative syntax, using builder methods
 * image.resize(
 *  scale()
 *    .width(100)
 *    .height(100)
 *    .gravity(autoGravity())
 * );
 * image.toString()

import {ResizePadAction} from "./resize/ResizePadAction.js";
import {ResizeSimpleAction} from "./resize/ResizeSimpleAction.js";
import {ResizeScaleAction} from "./resize/ResizeScaleAction.js";
import {ThumbResizeAction} from "./resize/ThumbnailAction.js";
import {AutoGravity} from "../qualifiers/gravity/autoGravity/AutoGravity.js";
import {CompassGravity} from "../qualifiers/gravity/compassGravity/CompassGravity.js";
import {ResizeCropAction} from "./resize/ResizeCropAction.js";
import {ResizeFillAction} from "./resize/ResizeFillAction.js";
import {ResizeLimitFitAction} from "./resize/ResizeLimitFitAction.js";
import {ResizeLimitFillAction} from "./resize/ResizeLimitFillAction.js";
import {ResizeLimitPadAction} from "./resize/ResizeLimitPadAction.js";
import {ResizeMinimumPadAction} from "./resize/ResizeMinimumPadAction.js";
import {ResizeAdvancedAction} from "./resize/ResizeAdvancedAction.js";
import {ResizeAutoPadAction} from "./resize/ResizeAutoPadAction.js";

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Changes the size of the image exactly to the given width and height without necessarily retaining the original aspect ratio:<br/>
 * all original image parts are visible but might be stretched or shrunk.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ScaleAction}
function scale(width?: number | string, height?: number | string): ResizeScaleAction {
  return new ResizeScaleAction('scale', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Scales your image based on automatically calculated areas of interest within each specific photo.
 * For details, see the Imagga Crop and Scale {@link  https://cloudinary.com/documentation/imagga_crop_and_scale_addon#smartly_scale_images|add-on documentation}.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizeSimpleAction}
function imaggaScale(width?: number | string, height?: number | string): ResizeSimpleAction {
  return new ResizeSimpleAction('imagga_scale', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Crops your image based on automatically calculated areas of interest within each specific photo.
 * For details, see the Imagga Crop and Scale {@link  https://cloudinary.com/documentation/imagga_crop_and_scale_addon#smartly_crop_images|add-on documentation}.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizeSimpleAction}
function imaggaCrop(width?: number|string, height?: number|string) :ResizeSimpleAction {
  return new ResizeSimpleAction('imagga_crop', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description Extracts a region of the given width and height out of the original image.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizeCropAction}
function crop(width?: number|string, height?: number|string) :ResizeCropAction {
  return new ResizeCropAction('crop', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Creates an image with the exact given width and height without distorting the image.<br/>
 * This option first scales up or down as much as needed to at least fill both of the given dimensions.<br/><br/>
 * If the requested aspect ratio is different than the original, cropping will occur on the dimension that exceeds the requested size after scaling.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizeFillAction}
function fill(width?: string|number, height?: string|number) :ResizeFillAction {
  return new ResizeFillAction('fill', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * The image is resized so that it takes up as much space as possible within a bounding box defined by the given width and height parameters.</br>
 * The original aspect ratio is retained and all of the original image is visible.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizeSimpleAction}
function fit(width?: string|number, height?: string|number) :ResizeSimpleAction {
  return new ResizeSimpleAction('fit', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Resizes the asset to fill the given width and height while retaining the original aspect ratio.
 * If the proportions of the original asset do not match the given width and height, padding is added to the asset
 * to reach the required size.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizePadAction}
function pad(width?: string|number, height?: string|number) :ResizePadAction<CompassGravity> {
  return new ResizePadAction('pad', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Creates an asset with the exact given width and height without distorting the asset, but only if the original
 * asset is larger than the specified resolution limits.
 * The asset is scaled down to fill the given width and height without distorting the asset, and then the dimension
 * that exceeds the request is cropped. If the original dimensions are both smaller than the requested size, it is
 * not resized at all.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizeLimitFillAction}
function limitFill(width?: string|number, height?: string|number) :ResizeLimitFillAction {
  return new ResizeLimitFillAction('lfill', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Resizes the asset so that it takes up as much space as possible within a bounding box defined by the given
 * width and height parameters, but only if the original asset is larger than the given limit (width and height).
 * The asset is scaled down, the original aspect ratio is retained and all of the original asset is visible.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizeSimpleAction}
function limitFit(width?: number|string, height?: number|string) :ResizeLimitFitAction {
  return new ResizeLimitFitAction('limit', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Resizes the asset to fill the given width and height while retaining the original aspect ratio, but only if the
 * original asset is smaller than the given minimum (width and height).
 * The asset is scaled up.  If the proportions of the original asset do not match the given width and height,
 * padding is added to the asset to reach the required size.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizePadAction}
function minimumPad(width?: string|number, height?: string|number): ResizeMinimumPadAction<CompassGravity> {
  return new ResizeMinimumPadAction('mpad', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Resizes the asset so that it takes up as much space as possible within a bounding box defined by the given
 * width and height parameters, but only if the original asset is smaller than the given minimum (width and height).
 * The asset is scaled up, the original aspect ratio is retained and all of the original asset is visible.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizeSimpleAction}
function minimumFit(width?: number|string, height?: number|string) :ResizeSimpleAction {
  return new ResizeSimpleAction('mfit', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @description
 * Tries to prevent a "bad crop" by first attempting to use the fill mode, but adding padding if it is determined
 * that more of the original image needs to be included in the final image.
 * Especially useful if the aspect ratio of the delivered image is considerably different from the original's
 * aspect ratio.
 * Only supported in conjunction with Automatic cropping.
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizePadAction}
function fillPad(width?: string|number, height?: string|number) :ResizePadAction<AutoGravity> {
  return new ResizePadAction('fill_pad', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * The thumb cropping mode is specifically used for creating image thumbnails from either face or custom coordinates,</br>
 * and must always be accompanied by the gravity parameter set to one of the face detection or custom values.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ThumbResizeAction}
function thumbnail(width?: string|number, height?: string|number) :ThumbResizeAction {
  return new ThumbResizeAction('thumb', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Automatically determines the best crop based on the gravity and specified dimensions.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ThumbResizeAction}
function auto(width?: number | string, height?: number | string): ResizeAdvancedAction {
  return new ResizeAdvancedAction('auto', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Resizes the asset to fill the given width and height while retaining the original aspect ratio, but only if the
 * original asset is larger than the given limit (width and height).
 * The asset is scaled down.  If the proportions of the original asset do not match the given width and height,
 * padding is added to the asset to reach the required size.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizePadAction}
function limitPad(width?: string|number, height?: string|number) :ResizeLimitPadAction<CompassGravity> {
  return new ResizeLimitPadAction('lpad', width, height);

 * @summary action
 * @description
 * Tries to prevent a "bad crop" by first attempting to use the auto cropping mode, but adding some padding
 * if the algorithm determines that more of the original image needs to be included in the final image.
 * @memberOf Actions.Resize
 * @param {number|string} width The required width of a transformed asset.
 * @param {number|string} height The required height of a transformed asset.
 * @return {Actions.Resize.ResizeAutoPadAction}
function autoPad(width?: string|number, height?: string|number): ResizeAutoPadAction {
  return new ResizeAutoPadAction('auto_pad', width, height);

const Resize = {
export {