import {Action} from "../../internal/Action.js";
import {QualifierValue} from "../../internal/qualifier/QualifierValue.js";
import {Qualifier} from "../../internal/qualifier/Qualifier.js";
import {SystemColors} from "../../qualifiers/color.js";

 * @description A class that defines how to remove the background of an asset
 * @extends SDK.Action
 * @memberOf Actions.Effect
 * @see Visit {@link Actions.Effect|Effect} for an example
class RemoveBackgroundAction extends Action {
  private _screen: boolean;
  private _colorToRemove: SystemColors;

  constructor() {

   * @description Everytime this method is called, it will overwrite the e_bgremoval qualifier with new values
   * @private
  private overwriteQualifier(): this {
    const value = ['bgremoval', this._screen ? 'screen' : '', (this._colorToRemove || '').replace('#', '')];
    return this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('e', new QualifierValue(value)));

   * @description The strength of the shadow. (Range: 0 to 100, Server default: 40)
   * @param {number} useScreen Boolean, defaults to true
   * @return {this}
  screen(useScreen = true): this {
    this._screen = useScreen;
    return this.overwriteQualifier();

   * @description The color to remove from the background
   * @param {SystemColors} color
   * @return {this}
  colorToRemove(color: SystemColors): this {
    this._colorToRemove = color;
    return this.overwriteQualifier();

export {RemoveBackgroundAction};