import {NamedRegion} from "../../qualifiers/region/NamedRegion.js";
import {Qualifier} from "../../internal/qualifier/Qualifier.js";
import {Action} from "../../internal/Action.js";
import { IBlurModel, ICustomRegionModel, IRegionModel } from "../../internal/models/IEffectActionModel.js";
import {IActionModel} from "../../internal/models/IActionModel.js";
import { faces, ocr } from "../../qualifiers/region.js";
import { CustomRegion } from "../../qualifiers/region/CustomRegion.js";
* @description The Action class of the blur Builder.
* @extends SDK.Action
* @memberOf Actions.Effect
* @see Visit {@link Actions.Effect|Effect} for an example
class BlurAction extends Action {
private _region?: NamedRegion;
private _strength: number | string;
protected _actionModel: IBlurModel = {};
constructor(strength: number | string) {
this._strength = strength;
this._actionModel.actionType = 'blur';
this._actionModel.strength = strength as number;
* @description Specifies the region to blur.
* @param {NamedRegion} blurRegion
region(blurRegion: NamedRegion): this {
this._region = blurRegion;
this._actionModel.region = blurRegion.toJson() as unknown as IRegionModel;
return this;
* @description Sets the strength of the blur effect.
* @param {number | string} strength
strength(strength: number | string): this {
this._strength = strength;
this._actionModel.strength = strength as number;
return this;
protected prepareQualifiers():void {
* Blur with region is a unique object in this codebase.
* On top of Blur being an Action with Qualifiers,
* it also accepts a Qualifier called Region.
* This Qualifier is in itself composite of qualifiers (such as height, or width).
* The existence of Region changes the output of Blur in non traditional ways
* which forced this relatively ad-hoc implementation.
* Aside from all of that, all of the Qualifiers in the component should be alphabetized
* This happens naturally in the Action class,
* however since we're dealing with two levels of qualifiers (Blur and Region),
* these need to be merged.
* This function will merge the Region qualifiers with Blur
* and add all needed implicit qualifiers (like g_ocr_text).
* We're not using the full Gravity Qualifier here to prevent the code import for such a simplistic case
const strength = this._strength ? `:${this._strength}` : '';
if ('_region' in this) {
const qualifiers = this._region.qualifiers;
// Copy qualifiers from the region "action" to the blur action
qualifiers.forEach((q) => this.addQualifier(q));
if (this._region.regionType === 'custom') {
this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('e', `blur_region${strength}`));
if (this._region.regionType === 'ocr_text') {
this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('e', `blur_region${strength}`));
this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('g', `ocr_text`));
if (this._region.regionType === 'faces') {
this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('e', `blur_faces${strength}`));
} else {
this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('e', `blur${strength}`));
static fromJson(actionModel: IActionModel): BlurAction {
const {strength, region} = (actionModel as IBlurModel);
// We are using this() to allow inheriting classes to use super.fromJson.apply(this, [actionModel])
// This allows the inheriting classes to determine the class to be created
const result = new this(strength);
strength && result.strength(strength);
if(region && region.regionType === 'faces'){
if(region && region.regionType === 'ocr_text'){
if(region && region.regionType === 'custom') {
return result;
export {BlurAction};