 * @description Defines transformations for delivering your assets without changing the visual or audio experience for the end user.
 * @memberOf Actions
 * @namespace Delivery
 * @example
 * See the examples under every method

import {DeliveryFormatAction} from "./delivery/DeliveryFormatAction.js";
import {DeliveryQualityAction} from "./delivery/DeliveryQualityAction.js";
import {FormatQualifier} from "../qualifiers/format/FormatQualifier.js";
import {DeliveryColorSpaceFromICCAction} from "./delivery/DeliveryColorSpaceFromICCAction.js";
import {DeliveryAction} from "./delivery/DeliveryAction.js";
import {ColorSpaceType} from "../types/types.js";
import {QualityTypes} from "../types/types.js";
import {ImageFormatType, VideoFormatType} from "../types/types.js";
import {DeliveryColorSpaceAction} from "./delivery/DeliveryColorSpaceAction.js";
import {DeliveryDPRAction} from "./delivery/DeliveryDPRAction.js";

export type IDeliveryAction = DeliveryAction | DeliveryColorSpaceAction | DeliveryColorSpaceFromICCAction | DeliveryDPRAction;

 * @summary action
 * @description Defines the format of the delivered asset.
 * <b>Learn more:</b>
 * {@link https://cloudinary.com/documentation/image_transformations#image_format_support|Image formats}
 * {@link https://cloudinary.com/documentation/video_manipulation_and_delivery#transcoding_video_to_other_formats|Video formats}
 * @memberOf Actions.Delivery
 * @param {string} format The file format. For a list of supported format types see {@link Qualifiers.Format| format types} for
 * possible values
 * @return {Actions.Delivery.DeliveryFormat}
 * @example
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * import {format} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/delivery";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.delivery(
 *  format('jpg'),
 * );
function format(format:FormatQualifier | ImageFormatType | VideoFormatType | string) :DeliveryFormatAction {
  return new DeliveryFormatAction('f', format);

 * @summary action
 * @description Deliver the image in the specified device pixel ratio.
 * @memberOf Actions.Delivery
 * @param {string} dpr The DPR (Device Pixel Ratio). Any positive float value.
 * @return {Actions.Delivery.DeliveryAction}
 * @example
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * import {dpr} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/delivery";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.delivery(
 *  dpr('2.0'),
 * );
function dpr(dpr: string|number):DeliveryDPRAction {
  return new DeliveryDPRAction(dpr);

 * @summary action
 * @description Controls the quality of the delivered image or video.
 * <b>Learn more:</b> {@link https://cloudinary.com/documentation/image_optimization#how_to_optimize_image_quality|Image quality}
 *  {@link https://cloudinary.com/documentation/video_optimization#how_to_optimize_video_quality|Video quality}
 * @memberOf Actions.Delivery
 * @param {QualityTypes | string | number | Qualifiers.Quality} qualityType For a list of supported quality types see
 * {@link Qualifiers.Quality| quality types} for
 * possible values.
 * @return {Actions.Delivery.DeliveryQualityAction}
 * @example
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * import {quality} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/delivery";
 * import {quality} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/qualifiers/quantity";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.delivery(
 *  quality('auto'),
 * );
function quality(qualityType:QualityTypes | string | number) :DeliveryQualityAction {
  return new DeliveryQualityAction(qualityType);

 * @summary action
 * @description Controls the density to use when delivering an image or when converting a vector file such as a PDF or EPS
 * document to a web image delivery format.
 * @memberOf Actions.Delivery
 * @param {number | string} value The density in dpi.
 * @return {Actions.Delivery.DeliveryAction}
 * @example
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * import {density} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/delivery";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.delivery(
 *  density(150),
 * );
function density(value:number) :DeliveryAction {
  return new DeliveryAction('dn', value, 'density');

 * @summary action
 * @description Default images can be used in the case that a requested image does not exist.
 * @memberOf Actions.Delivery
 * @param {string} publicIdWithExtension Default image public ID
 * @return {Actions.Delivery.DeliveryAction}
 * @example
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * import {defaultImage} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/delivery";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.delivery(
 *  defaultImage('sample'),
 * );
function defaultImage(publicIdWithExtension:string) :DeliveryAction {
  return new DeliveryAction('d', publicIdWithExtension, 'defaultImage');

 * @summary action
 * @description Controls the color space used for the delivered image.
 * @memberOf Actions.Delivery
 * @param {string | Qualifiers.ColorSpace} mode The color space.
 * @return {Actions.Delivery.DeliveryAction}
 * @example
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * import {colorSpace} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/delivery";
 * import {trueColor} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/qualifiers/colorSpace";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.delivery(
 *  colorSpace(trueColor()),
 * );
function colorSpace(mode: ColorSpaceType): DeliveryColorSpaceAction {
  return new DeliveryColorSpaceAction(mode);

 * @summary action
 * @description Specifies the ICC profile to use for the color space.
 * The ICC file must be uploaded to your account as a raw, authenticated file.
 * @memberOf Actions.Delivery
 * @param {string} publicId The public ID (including the file extension) of the ICC profile that defines the
 * color space.
 * @return {Actions.Delivery.DeliveryColorSpaceFromICC}
 * @example
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * import {colorSpaceFromICC} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/delivery";
 * import {trueColor} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/qualifiers/colorSpace";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.delivery(
 *  colorSpaceFromICC('sample.icc'),
 * );
function colorSpaceFromICC(publicId: string): DeliveryColorSpaceFromICCAction {
  return new DeliveryColorSpaceFromICCAction(publicId);

const Delivery = {

export {Delivery, format, dpr, quality, density, defaultImage, colorSpace, colorSpaceFromICC};