import {Action} from "../internal/Action.js";
import {QualifierValue} from "../internal/qualifier/QualifierValue.js";
import {Qualifier} from "../internal/qualifier/Qualifier.js";
import {prepareColor} from "../internal/utils/prepareColor.js";
import {SystemColors} from "../qualifiers/color.js";
import RoundCornersAction from "./roundCorners/RoundCornersAction.js";
import {IBorderActionModel} from "../internal/models/IBorderActionModel.js";
import {IActionModel} from "../internal/models/IActionModel.js";

 * @description Adds a solid border around an image or video.
 *  <b>Learn more:</b>
 * {@link|Adding image borders}
 * @memberOf Actions
 * @namespace Border
 * @example
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * import {solid} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/border";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.border(
 *  solid(15, 'green'),
 *  // Or alternatively
 *  solid().width(15).color('green')
 * );

 * @memberOf Actions.Border
 * @see Actions.Border
 * @example
 * // Used through a builder function Border.solid(), and not by creating a new instance
 * import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const image = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * image.border(
 *  Border.solid(15, 'green'),
 *  // Or alternatively
 *  Border.solid().width(15).color('green')
 * );
class BorderAction extends Action {
  private borderWidth: number | string;
  private borderColor: string;
  private borderType: string;
  private _roundCorners: RoundCornersAction;
  protected _actionModel: IBorderActionModel = {};

   * @description Adds a border of the specified type around an image or video.
   * @param {'solid'} borderType The type of border (currently only 'solid' is supported). Use values in {@link Qualifiers.Border|Border Values}.
   * @param {string} color The color of the border.
   * @param {number} borderWidth The width in pixels.
  constructor(borderType: string, color: SystemColors, borderWidth: number | string) {
    this.borderType = borderType;
    this.borderColor = prepareColor(color);
    this.borderWidth = borderWidth;

    this._actionModel = {
      color: prepareColor(color),
      width: borderWidth,
      actionType: 'border',

   * @description Sets the width of the border
   * @param {number | string} borderWidth The width in pixels.
  width(borderWidth: number | string): this {
    this.borderWidth = borderWidth;
    this._actionModel.width = borderWidth;
    return this;

   * @description Sets the color of the border.
   * @param {string} borderColor The color of the border.
  color(borderColor: SystemColors): this {
    this.borderColor = prepareColor(borderColor);
    this._actionModel.color = prepareColor(borderColor);
    return this;

   * @description Rounds the specified corners of an image.
   * @param {RoundCornersAction} roundCorners
   * @return {this}
  roundCorners(roundCorners: RoundCornersAction): this {
    this._roundCorners = roundCorners;
    this._actionModel.radius = roundCorners.getRadius();
    return this;

   * @description Sets the style of the border.
   * @param {number | string} width The width in pixels.
   * @param {string} color The color of the border, e.g 'green', 'yellow'.
   * @return {this}
  solid(width: number | string, color: SystemColors): BorderAction {
    this.borderType = 'solid';
    this.borderColor = prepareColor(color);
    this.borderWidth = width;

    this._actionModel.color = prepareColor(color);
    this._actionModel.width = width;

    return this;

  protected prepareQualifiers(): void {
    const qualifierValue = new QualifierValue([`${this.borderWidth}px`, this.borderType, `${this.borderColor}`]).setDelimiter('_');
    this.addQualifier(new Qualifier('bo', qualifierValue));

    if (this._roundCorners) {

  static fromJson(actionModel: IActionModel): BorderAction {
    const { width, color, radius } = (actionModel as IBorderActionModel);

    // We are using this() to allow inheriting classes to use super.fromJson.apply(this, [actionModel])
    // This allows the inheriting classes to determine the class to be created
    const result = new this('solid', color, width);

    if (radius) {
      const roundCornersAction = (() => {
        if (radius === 'max') {
          return new RoundCornersAction().max();
        if (Array.isArray(radius)) {
          return new RoundCornersAction().radius(...radius);
        return undefined;

      if (roundCornersAction) {

    return result;

 * @summary action
 * @memberOf Actions.Border
 * @description Sets the style of the border.
 * @param {number | string} width The width in pixels.
 * @param {string} color The color of the border, e.g 'green', 'yellow'.
 * @return {Actions.Border.BorderAction}
function solid(width: number | string, color: SystemColors): BorderAction {
  return new BorderAction('solid', color, width);

 * @summary action
 * @memberOf Actions.Border
 * @description Sets the radius of the border.
 * @param {Actions.RoundCorners.RoundCornersAction} roundCorners RoundCorners action.
 * @return {Actions.Border.BorderAction}
function roundCorners(roundCorners: RoundCornersAction): BorderAction {
  const borderActionInstance = new BorderAction('solid', 'transparent', 0);
  return borderActionInstance;

const Border = {

export {BorderAction, Border, solid, roundCorners};