import {CloudinaryImage} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/assets/CloudinaryImage";
import {Plugin, HtmlPluginState, BaseAnalyticsOptions, AnalyticsOptions, PluginResponse} from "../types";
import {scale} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/resize";
import debounce from 'lodash.debounce';
import {isNum} from '../utils/isNum';
import {isBrowser} from "../utils/isBrowser";
import {Action} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/internal/Action";
import {isImage} from "../utils/isImage";
import {getAnalyticsOptions} from '../utils/analytics'
import {isPluginUsed} from "../utils/isPluginUsed";
* @namespace
* @description Updates the src with the size of the parent element and triggers a resize event for
* subsequent resizing.
* @param steps {number | number[]} The step size in pixels or an array of image widths in pixels.
* @return {Plugin}
* @example <caption>NOTE: The following is in React. For further examples, see the Packages tab.</caption>
* <AdvancedImage cldImg={img} plugins={[responsive({steps: [800, 1000, 1400]})]} />
export function responsive({steps}:{steps?: number | number[]}={}): Plugin{
return responsivePlugin.bind(null, steps);
* @description Responsive plugin
* @param steps {number | number[]} The step size in pixels.
* @param element {HTMLImageElement} The image element
* @param responsiveImage {CloudinaryImage}
* @param htmlPluginState {HtmlPluginState} holds cleanup callbacks and event subscriptions
* @param analyticsOptions {BaseAnalyticsOptions} analytics options for the url to be created
function responsivePlugin(steps?: number | number[], element?:HTMLImageElement, responsiveImage?: CloudinaryImage, htmlPluginState?: HtmlPluginState, baseAnalyticsOptions?: BaseAnalyticsOptions, plugins?: Plugin[]): Promise<PluginResponse> | boolean {
if(!isBrowser()) return true;
if(!isImage(element)) return;
return new Promise((resolve)=>{
window.removeEventListener("resize", resizeRef);
const analyticsOptions = getAnalyticsOptions(baseAnalyticsOptions, {responsive: true});
// Use a tagged generic action that can be later searched and replaced.
responsiveImage.addAction(new Action().setActionTag('responsive'));
let shouldRunImmediately = !isPluginUsed(plugins, 'placeholder');
if (shouldRunImmediately) {
// Immediately run the resize plugin, ensuring that first render gets a responsive image.
onResize(steps, element, responsiveImage, analyticsOptions);
} else {
updateByContainerWidth(steps, element, responsiveImage);
let resizeRef: any;
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeRef = debounce(()=>{
onResize(steps, element, responsiveImage, analyticsOptions);
}, 100));
resolve({responsive: true});
* On resize updates image src
* @param steps {number | number[]} The step size in pixels.
* | number[] A set of image sizes in pixels.
* @param element {HTMLImageElement} The image element
* @param responsiveImage {CloudinaryImage}
* @param analyticsOptions {AnalyticsOptions} analytics options for the url to be created
function onResize(steps?: number | number[], element?:HTMLImageElement, responsiveImage?: CloudinaryImage, analyticsOptions?: AnalyticsOptions){
updateByContainerWidth(steps, element, responsiveImage);
element.src = responsiveImage.toURL(analyticsOptions);
* Updates the responsiveImage by container width.
* @param steps {number | number[]} The step size in pixels.
* | number[] A set of image sizes in pixels.
* @param element {HTMLImageElement} The image element
* @param responsiveImage {CloudinaryImage}
function updateByContainerWidth(steps?: number | number[], element?:HTMLImageElement, responsiveImage?: CloudinaryImage){
// Default value for responsiveImgWidth, used when no steps are passed.
let responsiveImgWidth = element.parentElement.clientWidth;
const WIDTH_INTERVALS = steps as number;
// We need to force the container width to be intervals of max width.
responsiveImgWidth = Math.ceil(responsiveImgWidth / WIDTH_INTERVALS ) * WIDTH_INTERVALS;
} else if(Array.isArray(steps)){
responsiveImgWidth = steps.reduce((prev, curr) =>{
return (Math.abs(curr - responsiveImgWidth) < Math.abs(prev - responsiveImgWidth) ? curr : prev);
responsiveImage.transformation.actions.forEach((action, index) => {
if (action instanceof Action && action.getActionTag() === 'responsive') {
responsiveImage.transformation.actions[index] = scale(responsiveImgWidth).setActionTag('responsive');